The Enchanted Lake

Classic Irish Fairy Tales

Sinéad De Valera
€22.99 €14.99

This new edition of Sinéad de Valera’s The Enchanted Lake is a gorgeous reprint of eight classic stories. Newly decorated with vibrant illustrations and flourishes, the fairytales shine with new life. Perfect for bedtimes or campfire reading, each story is short and sweet.

Each story is wrapped up with a valuable lesson for any child. “The Three Drinks” teaches that reward and comfort will follow hard work. “The Hare of Sleevebawn” displays that kindness without want for recompense will bring one far in life. And, in what could be perceived as a rare cautionary tale for parents, the neglect of a daughter in “The Treacherous Waters” leads to an unfortunate end for the girl’s mother and father.

Rife with Irish charm and warmth, The Enchanted Lake is a delightful anthology of stories that teach, warn, and entertain. The late Sinéad de Valera’s talent for storytelling is on full display in this collection. The Enchanted Lake is highly recommended for anyone looking to get a dose of classic Irish folklore.

Additionally, this is a great choice for family looking for short stories to bond over- children will root for the characters and be dazzled by the reoccurring magical elements and plot twists old fairytales promise. Parents and grandparents should take a closer look at this title, as it guarantees a good time for all.

The Hare of Sleevebawn
Illustration: Alexis Sierra

















The Mountain Wolf
Illustration: Alexis Sierra

The Jewel of Truch
Illustration: Alexis Sierra