We all know bees as flying insects that go buzzzzzzz. They live in large colonies in hives that hang from trees and buildings and they have nasty stingers on their backsides that they can sting you with. We are taught from a young age to not disturb bee hives and run if we hear a buzzzzz near us. Most of us scream and swat when we hear the sound! Oh and we know that honey bees produce honey that fills aisle after aisle in our local supermarket.
Most of us also grew up watching ‘Bee movie’ where a handsome bee with an impeccable haircut falls in love with a florist and convinces her to fight on behalf of the bees for what is rightfully theirs and exploited by humans – their honey!
Our latest book, the Bee’s Knees, takes bee conservation to the lay reader. Beekeeping in Ireland has been booming and the importance of the Irish honeybee cannot be emphasized more. People are encouraged by city councils to let their gardens grow wildflowers so we can aid the bees in their pollination. A recent article on Dublin city council’s ‘wilding policy’ states:

The bee population is important for local ecology and James Morrissey, with the help of Lorna Siggins, interviews prominent bee conservationists from around the country and along the way, they share interesting facts and stories with us.
Pre-order the book today!